Introduction to Scientific Programming with Python

DesignSafe Tutorial

February 21, 2024 | 1:00pm - 2:30pm CT

The webinar will feature a hands-on component using DesignSafe Jupyter, so please be sure to register for a DesignSafe user account if you don't already have one. If your existing account is inactive, reactivate it by resetting your password.

About the Webinar

There's a reason why the Python programming language has become so popular with every facet of information technology, computer science, and computational science. This webinar is designed to introduce you to Python and its many modules that make scientific programming easier. We'll be showing you the basics of Python, plotting data using Matplotlib, and using Pandas to build, manage, and analyze datasets.

About the Presenter

Charlie Dey is the Director of Training and Professional Development with the User Services group at TACC with a background in web development and scientific computing. Charlie's responsibilities at TACC include organizing, developing content, and building curriculums for TACC's academic course selection taught in conjunction with several departments at the University of Texas at Austin, as well as for TACC's professional development and educational training. Prior to joining TACC, he worked as a Senior Application Developer for the Carle Foundation, and as a computer science instructor at Parkland College in Champaign, IL. He was also a member of a specialized application development team at the University of Illinois and has also been a contracted research consultant for NASA Ames Research Center, studying computational immunology and bioinformatics. Charlie holds a Bachelor's Degree concentrating in Computer Science and Biology from Eastern Illinois University, and certifications in 3D programing and visualization.

Webinar Registration