

Below are the minimal amount of elements required to describe the experimental datasets in DesignSafe. The elements represent the structure of the datasets, are useful for data discovery and allow proper citation of the data publication. The tables show the definition of each metadata element and how it maps to a metadata standard such as Dublin Core or Data Documentation Initiative. Elements specific to natural hazards engineering that do not map to a metadata standard were defined by DesignSafe simulation and data requirements team members. All research project types share some basic metadata elements. Those metadata elements are listed in the generic Other Project Type.

Metadata Term Definition Metadata Standard Mapping


A scientific process undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.


Experiment Report

Written accounts made to convey information about an entire project or experiment.

DataCite: ResourceType: Data Paper


Digital Object Identifier. An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

Dublin Core: Identifier

Experiment Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title


An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.

Dublin Core: Creator

Experiment Description

An account of the resource.

Dublin Core: Description

Date of Publication

A point or period of time associated with an event - publication- in the lifecycle of the resource.

Dublin Core: Date

Date of Experiment

A point or period of time associated with an event - experiment - in the lifecycle of the resource.

Dublin Core: Date

Experimental Facility

The site where an experiment is planned, built, instrumented, and conducted.


Experiment Type

The nature or genre of the resource (experiment).

Dublin Core: Type

Model Configuration

Files describing the design and layout of what is being tested (some call this a specimen).

DataCite: Model

Sensor Information

Files about the sensor instrumentation used in a model configuration to conduct one or more event.



Files from unique occurrences during which data are generated.

DublinCore: Event


Tables, graphs, visualizations, Jupyter Notebooks, or other representations of the results.


Analysis Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title

Analysis Description

An account of the resource.

Dublin Core: Description

Referenced Data

A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource.

Dublin Core: References


Below are the minimal amount of elements required to describe the simulation datasets in DesignSafe. The elements represent the structure of the datasets, are useful for data discovery and allow proper citation of the data publication. The tables show the definition of each metadata element and how it maps to a metadata standard such as Dublin Core or Data Documentation Initiative. Elements specific to natural hazards engineering that do not map to a metadata standard were defined by DesignSafe simulation and data requirements team members. All research project types share some basic metadata elements. Those metadata elements are listed in the generic Other Project Type.

Metadata Term


Metadata Standard Mapping


The imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time.


Simulation Title

A name given to the resource

Dublin Core: Title


Digital Object Identifier. An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

Dublin Core: Identifier


The creator of a resource.

Dublin Core: Creator

Simulation Description

An account of the resource.

Dublin Core: Description

Simulation Type

The nature or genre of the resource (simulation).

Dublin Core: Type

Simulation Model

Files and/or information describing the design, geometry, and/or code of a simulation.

Data Cite: Model

Simulation Input

Files containing the parameters of the simulation.


Simulation Output

Files containing the results of a simulation.


Referenced Data

A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource.

Dublin Core: References

Simulation Report

Written accounts made to convey information about an entire project or simulation.

Data Cite: ResourceType: Data Paper


A computational examination of the data resultant from an experiment, simulation, or hybrid simulation typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation.


Analysis Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title


Below are the minimal amount of elements required to describe the hybrid simulation datasets in DesignSafe. The elements represent the structure of the datasets, are useful for data discovery and allow proper citation of the data publication. The tables show the definition of each metadata element and how it maps to a metadata standard such as Dublin Core or Data Documentation Initiative. Elements specific to natural hazards engineering that do not map to a metadata standard were defined by DesignSafe simulation and data requirements team members. All research project types share some basic metadata elements. Those metadata elements are listed in the generic Other Project Type.

Metadata Term


Metadata Standard Mapping

Hybrid Simulation

Combines physical and analytical components into a single system under study to evaluate the response of a structure, often under seismic ground motion.


Hybrid Simulation Type

The nature or genre of the resource.

Dublin Core: Type

Hybrid Simulation Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title

Hybrid Simulation Description

An account of the resource.

Dublin Core: Description


Digital Object Identifier. An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

Dublin Core: Identifier


The creator of a resource.

Dublin Core: Creator

Global Model

Files describing the entire structure, loading protocol, and components of the hybrid simulation.

Data Cite: Model

Global Model Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title

Master Simulation Coordinator

Software files that communicate with the simulation and experimental substructure simultaneously to give commands and receive feedback data.


Master Simulation Coordinator Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title

Coordinator Output

Data generated by the master simulation coordinator.


Simulation Substructure

Files and/or information describing the planning and design of the numerical model.


Simulation Substructure Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title

Experimental Substructure

A purely numerical representation of a substructure through simulation supported software.


Experimental Substructure Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title

Experimental Output

Data generated by the experimental substructure



Tables, graphs, visualizations, Jupyter Notebooks, or other representations of the results.


Analysis Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title


Written accounts made to convey information about an entire project or hybrid simulation

Data Cite: ResourceType: Data Paper


Below are the minimal amount of elements required to describe the field research datasets in DesignSafe. The elements represent the structure of the datasets, are useful for data discovery and allow proper citation of the data publication. The tables show the definition of each metadata element and how it maps to a metadata standard such as Dublin Core or Data Documentation Initiative. Elements specific to natural hazards engineering that do not map to a metadata standard were defined by DesignSafe simulation and data requirements team members. All research project types share some basic metadata elements. Those metadata elements are listed in the generic Other Project Type.

Metadata Term


Metadata Standard Mapping

Project Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title


Digital Object Identifier. An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

Dublin Core: Identifier


The creator of a resource.

Dublin Core: Creator

Project Type

The nature or genre of the resource.

Dublin Core: Type

Field Research Description

An account of the resource.

Dublin Core: Description

Natural Hazard Event

The name given to a natural hazard that occurred in time and space.

Dublin Core: Event

Natural Hazard Date

A point or period of time associated with the Natural Hazard event.

Dublin Core: Date

Natural Hazard Event Location

A spatial region or named place.

Dublin Core: Location

Documents Collection

An aggregation of resources.

Dublin Core: Collection

Referenced Data

A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource.

Dublin Core: References


Group collections of data representing: different visits to a site, field teams, field experiments, or research topics (e.g., liquefaction, structural performance, wave inundation, etc.). Some researchers refer to missions using terms such as "time 1", "wave 1", etc.


Mission Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title

Date(s) of Mission

A point or period of time associated with the Mission.

Dublin Core: Date

Mission Site Location

A spatial region or named place.

Dublin Core: Location

Mission Description

An account of the resource.

Dublin Core: Description

Documents Planning Collection

Includes instruments, protocols, and different reports (Virtual Recon, Field Assessment, Preliminary Virtual Assessment, etc). These documents are published separately with their own DOI.

Dublin Core: Collection

Data Collector(s)

The creator of a resource.

Dublin Core: Creator

Collection Description

An account of the resource

Dublin Core: Description

Referenced Data

A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource.

Dublin Core: References

Social Sciences Collection

Groups related data from the social sciences domain.

Dublin Core: Collection

Collection Title

A name given to the resource.

Dublin Core: Title

Date(s) of Collection

A point or period of time associated with the Collection.

Dublin Core: Date

Unit of Analysis

A description of who or what is being studied.

Data Documentation Initiative: AnaliUnit

Mode(s) of Collection

The procedure/technique of the inquiry used to obtain the data.

Data Documentation Initiative: CollMode

Sampling Approach(es)

Methods used to sample the population.

Data Documentation Initiative: Sample Frame

Sample Size

The targeted sample size in integer format.

Data Documentation Initiative: Sample Size

Collection Site Location

A spatial region or named place.

Dublin Core: Location

Equipment Type

The special equipment used.

Dublin Core: Type


Information about who access the resource or an indication of its security status.

Dublin Core: Access Rights

Referenced Data

A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource.

Dublin Core: References

Engineering/Geosciences Collection

Groups related data from the engineering/geosciences domain.

Dublin Core: Collection

Equipment Type

The special equipment used.

Dublin Core: Type

Observation Type

The nature or subject of the data collected.

Dublin Core: Type


Below are the minimal amount of elements required to describe the other datasets in DesignSafe. The elements represent the structure of the datasets, are useful for data discovery and allow proper citation of the data publication. The tables show the definition of each metadata element and how it maps to a metadata standard such as Dublin Core or Data Documentation Initiative.

Metadata Term


Metadata Standard Mapping


Digital Object Identifier. An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

Dublin Core: Identifier

Project Title

A name given to the resource

Dublin Core: Title

Author (PIs/Team Members)

An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.

Dublin Core: Creator

Data Type

The nature or genre of the resource.

Dublin Core: Type


An account of the resource.

Dublin Core: Description


An entity responsible for making the resource available

Dublin Core: Publisher

Date of Publication

A point or period of time associated with an event - publication - in the lifecycle of the resource.

Dublin Core: Date


A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource.

Dublin Core: License

Related Works

A related resource.

Dublin Core: Relation


Information about financial support (funding) for the resource being registered.

DataCite: Funding Reference


A topic of the resource.

Dublin Core : Subject